Friday, August 10, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

We got back to Sweetwater Lodge less than 24 hours after my emergency appendectomy. 

Sweetwater Lodge Porch
Peter and I were both exhausted, but so happy to be home.  We have slept on the screened porch all summer, so after the confining hospital environment, it seemed an especially perfect spot. The north breeze from Lake Huron—strong enough to move the ceiling fan blades-- made us add a couple of extra cotton blankets as we crawled into bed.

The pain from traveling home—by car, ferry and rugged gravel road—was pretty intense, so I took two of the prescribed pain pills.   

“You're so sensitive to pain meds, I hope you aren’t taking too much.  Sweet dreams.”  Peter said, and immediately fell asleep.

The pain subsided, but I was wide awake…listening to the water and the rustling of the trees;  catching glimpses of the night sky as the stars started to appear.  Ahh….so good to be home.  

Then I felt something move under the sheets.

“There is something crawling on my legs!”  I screamed and jumped out of bed, tangled in layers of blankets.

Peter sprang out of bed, assumed the warrior pose—nude—and did his best to protect me from what he assumed was a drug induced hallucination.

“Oh Sweetie, there’s nothing, just look at your bare legs. Nothing. Calm down. It’s the drugs you took”.

“No!  There was a mouse in the bed.  It just went under the bookcase.”

Peter hunts two things  passionately:  mushrooms and mice. Neither gets away when he is around.
Sunrise today...from the porch

Within seconds, he grabbed a baited trap from across the porch and set it in front of the bookcase.   The mouse walked out, not able to resist Peter’s special treat, and SNAP…another notch on Peter’s belt.

We both fell into bed laughing like school kids on a playground.

I winced and clutched my bruised and bandaged belly. I considered taking more pain meds.

Instead I cuddled up to my warrior/hunter, kissed him good night and slept until sunrise.

Love and laughter.  Take two at bedtime.  Repeat as needed.


  1. A whole passel of reactions: Love your writing as always; so glad you immediately wrote about this. Freaked about the very idea of a mouse being in the bed! And I do mean freaked! Sad about the mouse's demise, you know I catch and release them ,often the same mouse over and over for weeks! :-) Worried about your incision, I hope they stitched you up good given all that jumping around you did so soon. ha ha And hoping you have discovered some new delightful drugs to alter both the physical and emotional reality of these first few days. :-) As always, you're my hero in how you deal with things.

  2. This is just too funny. Hope your next 24 hours will be less stressful. Love ya!!! Mom

  3. Wonderful writing, Klara! Hope you're better soon.
